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Rage wants to post your stuff. Let's keep it tasteful folks. To send a link, just tweet @RageATCuisine like other people. If we like it we'll post it ourselves Looking forward to hearing from you.

Rage Against The Cuisine started in 2011 as a network of renegades who believed that dadaist agit-haute and sexy food puns could topple the culinary establishment. We decided to join it instead. The cookbook Rage Against The Cuisine is available on your local Amazon. It’s digital and well worth a byte.

For a tantalizing peek of culinary goodness, do click the link for your region of choice or

Rage Against The Cuisine

  • Bowie Preferred Coffee
    Here’s an article with 6 food facts about David Bowie, basically in essence though he didn’t drink tea and liked...
  • Paolo Coelho rages against his belly
    One of Brazil’s great philosophers, Tim Maia, once said: “I decided to go on a strict diet. I cut out...
  • Save Babe. Eat sea bacon
    Meddling scientists have tampered with seaweed so it looks and tastes just like bacon. I say it’s a good news day...
  • Swedish funeral candy
    Death need not mean tooth decay. This guy looked after his teeth all his life and look at him now. All...
  • Fried schtick on a stick
    Following all the recent excitement of the Iowa primaries, here are 75 foods our American cousins sometimes eat off a stick. Here’s...
  • Anne Robinson skips a meal
    We’ve all been round the back of a supermarket surfing for recently expired food in the bins. Now Anne Robinson...
  • Cereal hipsters get Frosty reception
    A cafe in London that only serves cereals has been attacked during a protest about affordable housing. Paint was thrown at...
  • Who ya gonna call?
      H/t Mr Ian Seale

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